WR: Exclusive Learning Journey to Creative Eateries
Learning is a continuous process and as long as we keep learning, we will keep growing. The Women’s Register (WR) provides women with networking and community involvement opportunities. It is our vision that these ladies are connected and supported by fellow women in the community, given inspiration and empowerment and to take charge of their lives and lead them with positivity, compassion, courage and determination.
In line with our mission, the WR organised its first ever exclusive learning journey to Creative Eateries to learn about how change is essential for the survival of a company in this fast-changing economy. Held on 28th May 2019, the event was led by Bernadette Giam, Director of Corporate Affairs and Human Resources at Creative Eateries, and WR committee member, who has spearheaded organisational change and innovations for the company in the last decade upon joining her family business. Participants learnt about the journey of Creative Eateries and their various initiatives in an effort to grow alongside Singapore and adapt along with its competitive landscape.
The tour included all four Creative Eateries’ concepts located at Bugis+ – Bangkok Jam, Suki-ya, RockU and Flaming Don – where participants had an opportunity to understand how the different Creatives Eateries outlets were conceptualised. As part of the learning journey, there was a cozy and intimate sharing session over snacks and drinks, where Bernadette shared openly about their personal experience coming into the F&B industry untrained. Her advice to ladies seeking to enter the F&B industry? “One should not be afraid of change and even in a male-dominated industry like the F&B, females should not be afraid to step up, ask and learn.”
Join the WR for an upcoming exclusive styling workshop at Zalora HQ where you can learn from fashion insiders how to style for different work occasions. Places are limited – sign up here!