Women’s Register & Silver Ribbon Presents: R U Ok? Transiting from Schools to Workplaces during a Pandemic
On 22nd July, SCWO’s Women’s Register (WR) held a mental wellness talk, R U OK? Transiting from Schools to Workplaces during a Pandemic. The talk, co-organized by WR and Silver Ribbon (Singapore) (SRS), had 23 participants who were able to gain an insight into the mental wellness scene in Singapore as well as understand how stress impacts their lives and how to manage their stress.
The talk was conducted by speaker Phay Yan Deng, a Senior Clinical Executive from SRS. Yan Deng started the talk by sharing some common statistics on mental illnesses in Singapore. The session was informative and engaging with audience members actively participating via the zoom chat. Many were keen to share their thoughts about stress and how they cope with it.
The talk focused on stress brought about by transitions. Yan Deng further explained how transitions from school to work can be hard for fresh graduates, especially during a pandemic. He shared some tips and resources, including breathing techniques and advice on how fresh graduates can make a smooth transition to their first jobs.
Yan Deng also shared the importance of managing working hours and seeking help at the right time. Yan Deng advised the audience to stick to their assigned working hours and to allow themselves to engage in self-care activities.
During the Q&A session, he was asked about the most important thing that graduates should remember in workplaces. Yan Deng replied that fresh graduates should develop people skills to connect with their colleagues, as they are the ones who will offer support during these tough times. A truly useful piece of advice that will help many fresh graduates excel at their first jobs!