Women’s Register Secret Sisters Project 2019
25th November marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and in the months of November and December, Women’s Register takes the opportunity to commemorate this day by way of our annual Secret Sisters project – this is the 4th year that WR is running the project since it’s initiation in 2016. Secret Sister Project aims to deliver messages of strength and solidarity through a gift to girls at risk of abuse, neglect and delinquency, residing in girls’ residences and shelters in Singapore. Through this gesture, we hope that these girls will be reminded that there are fellow sisters who care and also be encouraged to rebuild their lives free from negativity and barriers.
This year, WR delivered a total of 109 gift sets to 2 centres – HCSA Dayspring Residential Treatment Centre (Dayspring) and PERTAPIS Centre for Women and Girls (PERTAPIS) where teenage girls below the age of 18 reside.
Besides delivering of gifts, WR also conducted a motivational talk with the girls of PERTAPIS, with WR commitee members Eunice Olsen and Hazlina Amran-Halim as the speakers and Nadia Samdin as the moderator. The speakers shared intimately regarding themselves-dreams, aspirations, family and their careers and how they managed to stay motivated. The girls were also encourage to pen down their own hopes and dreams for their future in a letter to their older selves.
For the girls of Dayspring, we arranged a clay earring making workshop where they channelled their creativity and artsy skills to create unique jewellery pieces for themselves and their loves ones. Each girl took home pieces of their own hand crafted jewellery and you can definitely tell by the beautiful pieces that these girls are talented!
Thank you to all secret sisters who donated gifts for this project, it is with your support that we were able to deliver all these gifts to the girls in the homes. WR will also like to thank our speakers, Eunice, Hazlina and Nadia for the intimate sharing with the girls, as well as instructor, Grace (willowsthings) for guiding the girls on creating the clay jewellery. Lastly, WR will also like to thank Grains Trading for your kind sponsorship of the Secret Sisters Project 2019. WR will continue to do our best in motivating and inspiring women and girls alike. Together, we are stronger.