
SCWO strives to coordinate and unite women’s organisations and leaders to work towards the ideals of ‘Equal Space, Equal Voice and Equal Worth’ for women in Singapore.
SCWO has been researching on matters of interest to women’s lives and livelihood, as well as advocating for gender equality, gender neutrality, and gender parity. This is done by looking into and raising awareness on the pressing issues related to ageing and violence against women.
Engagement Sessions, Consultations & Dialogues with Members
As 2021 was dedicated to be the Year of Celebrating SG Women, SCWO conducted many conversations with member organisations to get insight and recommendations on different concerns related to gender equality and women’s rights in Singapore. These conversations culminated in SCWO’s Conversations on Women’s Development report, which was submitted to the Government in September 2021. The report also enclosed a proposal to name more roads after women who have had a hand in shaping the nation into what it is today.
SCWO also actively organises several engagement sessions with Singapore Government agencies for our member organisations to discuss on several aspects of women’s rights in Singapore. Through these engagement sessions, we aim to play a part in major policies making in Singapore.
Some of those held recently include sessions on workplace discrimination and harassment with the Ministry of Manpower, as well as refinement to marriage, divorce, and maintenance processes with the Ministry of Social and Family Development.
Collaboration with External Stakeholders
SCWO partners with various agencies organisations to advocate for on issues faced by women in Singapore today. Some recently ventured collaborations include
- Matched Retirement Savings Scheme by Central Provident Fund (CPF) – for women facing difficulties with retirement adequacy.
- Workplace discrimination and harassment policies and resources by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) – for reporting alleged cases.
- Empowering Back-to-Work Individuals by Workforce Singapore (WSG) – for women intending to return into the workforce.
Character and Citizenship Education with Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs)
SCWO works with Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) to raise awareness among the youth community. Workshops for the students in Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) were conducted in collaboration with United Women Singapore (UWS) to educate them on violence against women and its implications. A project was also ventured with the Singapore Management University (SMU) Law Society to expand the A.C.T. Against Violence website.
International Relations
SCWO is represented on various government and inter-ministry committees, as well as regional and international bodies, where it contributes views in the areas of family, women, and gender equality.
- ACWC – ASEAN Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children
- ACWO – ASEAN Confederation of Women’s Organisations
- SCWO is a member organisation and was the president of the confederation from 2019 – 2020.
- AICHR – ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights
- SCWO has been in a Consultative Relationship with the commission since 2016.
- ANWS – Asian Network of Women’s Shelters
- SCWO is represented by Star Shelter, participating in annual regional shelter conferences.
- APEC-WEF – Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Women and the Economic Forum
- CEDAW – UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women
- CSW – UN Commission on the Status of Women
- SCWO participated in its sessions by attending events and submitting reports annually to the commission.
- ECOSOC – UN Economic and Social Council
- SCWO has been in a Consultative Relationship with the commission since 2016.
- UPR – Universal Periodic Review

SCWO Taskforce for Ageing, spearheaded by SCWO, alongside members NTUC-WAF, PA WIN, PPIS, SWA, and WINGS, seek to advance the work concerning ageing and aged women in Singapore. The taskforce aims to look into conducting qualitative research studies on the most vulnerable population of aged women in Singapore. Moving forward, the taskforce will be a vehicle for all SCWO members to provide their inputs concerning aging matters and its works will reflect the voices of all of them.
SCWO, alongside AWARE, PPIS and Tsao Foundation formed the Singapore Alliance of Women in Ageing (SAWA) to promote the independence, care, participation, dignity and self-fulfilment of older women.