
BoardAgender launched on 9th March 2011. It aims to provide a forum to facilitate a greater awareness of the benefits of gender-balanced business and the advancement of women into senior leadership positions and, ultimately, the board room. BoardAgender welcomes business women and men, as well as private and public sector organisations, to participate in our events, engage in discussions, and benefit from our resources to achieve best practices.
Its aims are endorsed by the Ministry of Social and Family Development in Singapore.
BoardAgender concentrates on:
Information: Conducting research. The website is a resource for local and global statistics and research on women in leadership and the boardroom.
Awareness: Through various channels, including the 100 Champions Campaign and media, to raise the level and amount of dialogue in the community on the topic of gender balance in the workplace and boardroom.
Education & Inspiration: Speaker, networking events, training and corporate Dialogue Sessions to provide personal inspiration, education, and the sharing of corporate best practices.
Our Vision
A Singapore which has boards with diverse representation, including appropriate gender balance.
Our Mission
To increase female representation on boards based in Singapore through sustainable programmes and initiatives.BoardAgender Mentorship Programme

The Mentorship Programme for Aspiring Women Directors was launched in 2021 and is BoardAgender’s flagship initiative designed to provide “next-generation” female directors with the opportunity to develop as directors and to understand their unique value to boards.
Mentees will get the opportunity to:
- Foster connections with influential business leaders
- Have a mentor who will provide guidance and advice relevant to board roles and challenges
- Gain practical knowledge of governance issues in companies and NPOs and how their boards operate