The Law: Upclose and Personal
In the past, Maintenance Support Central (MSC) has reached out to the community through its quarterly-held series of talks titled “MSC Presents”. These talks that are open to members of the public aim to equip and inform its attendees with knowledge, and empower them to make informed choices. With the same mission in mind, MSC organised a close-door event for residents of the Star Shelter for the first time, bringing to the cosy get-together the legal expertise of our volunteer lawyers.
During an informal study with the residents, it was noted that many are in need of advice regarding divorce and related matters such as maintenance and custody. Who better than Ms Aishah Winter, who is involved in the Star Shelter committee and a regular volunteer at our Civil and Muslim Law Legal Clinics, to helm the event – together with her colleague Ms Clarissa Cheong.
Ms Winter started with a brief introduction to Syariah Law, while Ms Cheong started likewise with the Women’s Charter. In the familiar and cosy environment, the residents quickly warmed up, turning the event into a lively Q&A session as they each shared their specific queries and even sought answers on behalf of their peers. One of the attendees *Miss Chua shared ‘I appreciate how around me are people I know. I’m not fearful about asking my questions and the lawyer has been very helpful’.
MSC hopes to continue to reach out to specific communities who require access to legal information and advice. If you would like to collaborate with MSC on a similar event, please do not hesitate to contact us at 6571 0185, or drop an email to mscentral@scwo.org.sg