SWHF – Walking in the Footsteps of Our Foremothers
The Singapore Women’s Hall of Fame (SWHF) and tour guide May Hui were joined by 10 excited participants of diverse backgrounds on a fine Saturday late afternoon for the very first heritage walk of the year, Walking in the Footsteps of Our Foremother.
Starting promptly at 4.00 pm, SWHF staff-in-charge, Clara, gave a short introduction about the Hall of Fame before taking a group photo at the SCWO premise. May Hui kick started her sharing at the very first stop of the walk – the SCWO and the inductees who were activists of women’s rights. Holding up a past photo of one of SCWO’s founding members and SWHF inductee, Dr Anamah Tan at the original site of the SCWO building, May Hui pointed out the contrast between that photo and the current SCWO building – “This is amazing. Look at how much this area has transformed!”
The Bugis Bras Basah precinct was bustling with activities as the Arts schools in the area were conducting their open houses that Saturday. From NAFA and National Museum of Singapore to SMU and the National Gallery, participants asked questions and interacted with each other along the way. The group even got to meet SWHF 2014 inductee, Chng Seok Tin, who had a workshop nearby the final stop. It was an honour for all of us!
Do look out for the next upcoming Walking in the Footsteps of Our Foremothers walk if you’ll like to join us!