SHECARES@SCWO: A one-stop centre to support victims of online harms
SCWO is proud to announce, in collaboration with SHE, the launch of SHECARES@SCWO, a one-stop centre that provides holistic support for victims of online harms, including a helpline, pro bono legal assistance, counselling and referral to the Police. Types of harms experienced online include cyberbullying, doxxing, cyberstalking and harassment.
Women and girls more commonly face gender-based tech-facilitated violence such as sexual harassment, stalking, and non-consensual intimate image sharing. They feel less safe online compared to men, according to research such as the Sunlight Alliance for Action Report by the Ministry of Communication and Information.
Junie Foo, President of SCWO, said: “SCWO is enthusiastic about operating SHECARES@SCWO as it is an extension of our work in protecting and supporting women and children who are abused. For more than 20 years, SCWO’s Star Shelter has provided a safe refuge and therapeutic services to protect and help victims of violence heal from the trauma of abuse and rebuild their lives free from violence.
With online activities increasing, online and offline lives have become more integrated. Perpetrators can cause harm to their victims on digital platforms in addition to in-person abuse. There are also digital tools to stalk and harass victims, making them feel like they are always being watched and unsafe physically and digitally.
“Let’s say you’re a victim and you just had your very private pictures circulated to a wide number of people, or you have been abused – in many ways, you’re psychologically traumatised,” Mr Shanmugam said. “Working with SHE, (the police) can send officers from the Serious Sexual Crime Branch to come here, so the victim talks about the experience once to someone safe provided by SHE and the police are there too,” he added.
“With SHECARES@SCWO, we are now able to protect and support victims facing online gender-based violence through our helpline, counselling, and legal clinics and educate them about the laws that protect victims of online harms as everyone has the right to be safe not only in the physical world but also in the online one.”
Toll-free Helpline (8001 01 4616): Monday – Friday, 9 am – 9 pm
WhatsApp Textline (6571 4400): Monday – Friday, 9 am – 9 pm
Closed on Public Holidays
Counselling (by appointment only):
Monday – Friday, 9 am -6 pm
Closed on Public Holidays
Legal clinic (by appointment only) held online:
Every 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of the month, 7 pm – 9 pm
Closed on Public Holidays
Centre Address: 96 Waterloo Street, Singapore 187967
Email: shecares@scwo.org.sg