SCWO Welcomes New Ordinary Member: Inspiring Girls Singapore
With great delight, we introduce our new member, Inspiring Girls Singapore, chaired by Jacqueline Chua. Inspiring Girls Singapore began as a pilot initiative under the Singapore Council Of Women’s Organisations in 2018. Since 2 July 2022, they will continue to work as an independent charity, focused on introducing the full variety of career options to girls between the ages of 9 to 18 years old, and raising their ambitions and aspirations to achieve and acquire their fullest potential.
Providing A Variety of Career Options For Girls
Inspiring Girls Singapore serves the Singapore community with three key overarching themes; The 3Rs; Role Modelling, Relatability and Resilience. They believe that girls should have equal options and opportunities in terms of their future and career choices. Gender equality will improve the future for all, but many girls are affected by a lack of confidence to make a difference, potentially limiting their educational and career choices.
Inspiring Girls Singapore’s mission is to change this by providing girls with various opportunities to connect with female role models who can inspire them to build the confidence to achieve their ambitions through sharing personal life stories of success, face-to-face workshops, and speed-networking events.
Working Towards Closing The Gender Pay Gap
To ensure that all girls have the tools and support they need to achieve their fullest potential, Inspiring Girls Singapore’s mission will undoubtedly broaden girls’ minds, reduce stereotyped ideas of gender-specific careers, and boost girls’ expectations of success.
SCWO will continue to support Inspiring Girl’s Singapore in its efforts to create a better future for girls in a world with equal worth, where women are recognised and valued for their contributions to society, family, and the workplace, and where there should be no gender wage gap for work of equal value.