SCWO celebrates Lunar New Year 2023 with Lo Hei and Presidents’ Forum
Thirty member organisations gathered at SCWO on Saturday, 4th February for the Presidents’ Forum and Lo Hei to welcome the Year of the Rabbit!
The Presidents’ Forum is a valuable opportunity for presidents of SCWO member organisations to meet and connect with like-minded organisations. With close to 60 attendees, the event was lively as members went around the room to introduce themselves during the networking session.

The event started with a welcome speech by President Junie Foo, who highlighted several upcoming SCWO events including the SWHF induction ceremony, launch of the third edition of the BoardAgender Mentoring Programme and fundraising events that will happen in the later part of the year.
This year, SCWO invited Kantar Public to share about what can be expected from the inaugural launch of the Reykjavik Index for Leadership APAC. The Reykjavík Index for Leadership was launched in 2018, covering the G7 countries and 20 sectors of the economy. The index was repeated in the following years and extended to cover more countries & sectors. For the first time, the Reykjavik Index for Leadership APAC will cover Singapore as an effort to measure the nation’s perceptions of whether men or women are better suited to leadership positions across different sectors.
Managing Director Sandra Lim from Kantar Public shared about an exciting engagement session in collaboration with SCWO that will be held for members in May. The session will include more in-depth sharing of inaugural findings, a panel discussion and an engagement session to seek their views and co-create possible solutions in relation to the results.

We also welcomed our newest member Fortune Times Women Empowerment Network (WEN), to introduce themselves at the Forum. Ms Annie Song, president of WEN shared about WEN’s work and their upcoming plans for 2023.
Following the launch of SHECARES@SCWO on 19th January, Deputy-CEO, Lorraine Lim shared about the initiative and some updates with the members. Members were curious and excited about both presentations and were eager to find out more.

Our event attendees, too, had a chance to share their organisation’s initiatives and plans before everyone enjoyed Lo Hei and lunch. Overall, it looks like a great year for women’s organisations in Singapore. We wish our members the very best in 2023 and hope for more opportunities to connect with everyone!