SCWO Events

Presidents’ Forum 2021

The Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations held their biannual President’s Forum on the 27th of February 2021. The event was held virtually via Zoom due to current COVID-19 restrictions and we had 29 member organisations present with a total of over 60 people in attendance.

The session was started by SCWO President Ms Junie Foo who welcomed everyone and shared the SCWO’s plans for the year 2021. Following that, we also had 9 member organisations share their own plans for the year 2021.

This year, the event was held in conjunction with an Introduction to Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). This was to introduce our members to CEDAW in preparation of the upcoming CEDAW Cycle and leading up to the State’s Submission in November this year.

The introduction was conducted by Ms Audrey Lee, Senior Programme Manager at the International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW-AP), who provided us with an overview of CEDAW to enable us to have a better understanding of CEDAW and its significance.

CEDAW, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1979, is an international treaty the defines what constitutes discrimination against women and what governments should do to end such discrimination. It provides the basis for ensuring women have equal access to and opportunities in the realms of political and public life, education, health and employment.

For more information on CEDAW, please visit our website: https://www.scwo.org.sg/resources/cedaw/

Read Ms Junie Foo’s speech here

SWHF Heritage Walk


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