President’s Forum 2018
The Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations held its Biannual President’s Forum on 20th October 2018. Twenty Six Member Organisations attended with a total of more than 40 participants.
SCWO Insight Series
Dr June Goh, President of SCWO updated the members on the upcoming sessions. Dr Amy Khor’s session on Sat 17 Nov 2018 will concentrate on “Women and Health”. Members can discuss issues on ageing and policies which have unintended consequences of ageism, (apart from Care Shield and healthcare issues). The session with Ms Indranee Rajah on Wed 9 Jan 2019, will focus on The 2019 Budget. Members are encouraged to contribute their inputs possible inclusions in the Budget.
SCWO’s ASEAN Involvement
Dr June announced that SCWO will take over the Chairmanship for ACWO (ASEAN Confederation of Women’s Organisations). The Handover Ceremony by current Chair, Myanmar will take place the 18th General Assembly in Naypyidaw, Myanmar on 28th Nov 2018, and SCWO Members are welcome to attend. Lavinia Thanapathy, SCWO’s 2nd VP and Margaret Thomas, SCWO’s Asst Hon Secretary, presented the proposed plans for ACWO during SCWO’s Chairmanship, namely, the “Inspiring Girls” mentoring and educational platform for young girls in the ASEAN region as well as the ASEAN Women’s Hall of Fame initiative.
Many SCWO member organisations took a keen interest in lending their expertise to contribute to SCWO’s international partnerships. There was a lively discussion, members contributed many suggestions on how they can assist with the projects.
We are certainly looking forward to working together with our Member Organisations.
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