SCWO Events,  Star Shelter

Our Strides Toward Ending Violence Against Women

In support of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO) launched In Her Stride: From Victim to Survivor, a conference in partnership with the Shirin Fozdar Programme (SFP) and Society Against Family Violence (SAFV). The event which aims to shed light on how the different communities work together to eliminate violence against women in Singapore.

The conference was held on 23 November 2018 at SCWO Centre and was graced by Guest of Honour, Ms. Claire Chiang, Chairman of SFP and an inductee of Singapore Women’s Hall of Fame. The event was attended by diverse groups from the private and public sectors including the Ministry of Social and Family Development and a special ally to the cause, Ms Zoe Tay, who earlier this year partnered with SCWO to launch You Can Say No, an awareness campaign which aims to highlight various women’s issues in Singapore.

Guest of Honour Ms. Claire Chiang during her welcome remarks
    SCWO President Dr. June Goh, SPS    Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Guest of Honour Ms. Claire Chiang, and Star Shelter Chairperson Mrs. Wee Wan Joo during the event









There is not a dry eye in the house after SCWO-Star Shelter screened In Her Stride video, a virtual experience which depicts a survivor’s journey from stepping out of an abusive home and reaching out for help from a crisis shelter. This was followed by an engaging panel discussion including SAFV President, Mr. Benny Bong, Master Social Worker Mr. Udhia Kumar, and Star Shelter Manager, Ms. Lorraine Lim.

Guests watch the premiere of In Her Stride video
                   Panel discussion







SCWO fortifies its commitment towards the cause by raising awareness not only locally but also beyond our shores. It continues to contribute to an international community by sharing best practices in shelter management and supporting survivors in their journey towards self-reliance and a future without violence. This year, SCWO- Star Shelter participated in the annual Asian Conference of Women’s Shelter and the Japan National Shelter Symposium in Hokkaido, Japan from 31 October to 4 November 2018. The conference, entitled Evidence-Based Research on Shelter Needs and The Status of Laws to Prevent Domestic Violence and Protect Survivors in Asia, aims to produce a report on the shelter needs and review the current domestic violence prevention laws in Asia. The report will be a tool for non-governmental organisations in the region to advocate for better shelter services and lobby for law reform.

Star Shelter Chairperson Mrs. Wee Wan Joo presenting a token of appreciation to Ms. Ikenaga, Director-General of Gender Equality Bureau in Tokyo, Japan
Star Shelter Manager Lorraine Lim presenting at the Japan National Shelter Symposium in Hokkaido, Japan










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SWHF Heritage Walk


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