Member Spotlight: Singapore Muslim Women’s Association (PPIS)
The Singapore Muslim Women’s Association or Persatuan Pemudi Islam Singapura (PPIS) was set up in 1952 with a mission to inspire women and strengthen families.
From a group of 22 founding members who voluntarily ran empowerment and development programmes while bringing errant husbands to court, the organisation is now staffed by 190 professionals.
Today, PPIS runs 16 centres island-wide and offers services such as early childhood education centres, student care services, specialised social and family services as well as training and consultancy programmes. PPIS also recently launched the nation’s third Fostering Agency and the PPIS Family Therapy Institute.
These services form a holistic approach in advancing Muslim women’s socio-economic status in line with the common goal of raising the community’s profile.
Since its formative years, PPIS has championed the rights of women by proactively pushing for representations on committees that examined issues or legislation that would impact women. In fact, PPIS played a major role on the Muslim’s Ordinance in 1957 as well as the formulation of the Administration of Muslim Law Act in 1966.
To continue her advocacy work, PPIS recently established a Research and Engagement Department (RED) further underlying her commitment to support Muslim Women in their multiple roles by keeping abreast of developments and foreseeable challenges.
Till today, more than sixty years since its inception, PPIS continues to be a voice for Muslim women, one of confidence and quiet authority.