Find your own Everest and Climb it

Did you know that one of the first women to summit Mount Everest started her journey with a fear of heights? As impossible as that sounds, Lee Peh Gee, Team Member of the Singapore Women’s Everest Team (SWET) pushed on and challenged herself to overcome her fears. After her 5 year journey of climbing Everest, she summited and became part of the first Singaporean women’s team to scale Mount Everest. It is through the sharing of inspiring stories such as this that the Singapore Women’s Hall of Fame (SWHF) seeks to inspire younger Singaporeans to similarly dare to dream.
In conjunction with International Women’s Day, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School invited the Singapore Women’s Hall of Fame to set up a week long exhibition that showcased the stories of 20 incredible SWHFamers, including the Singapore Women’s Everest Team. As part of this exhibition, the SWHF held an assembly talk, introducing the students to Peh Gee from the Singapore Women’s Everest Team.
Peh Gee took the girls on the team’s inspiring 5-year Everest journey. She described the lengthy training they undertook, the tedious climb up the mountain and the challenges they faced along the way. Most crucially, she described the ways in which the team worked together, drawing on each other’s strengths to move forward. Peh Gee ended her session by encouraging the students to find their own Everest and climb it. In this context, Everest is not solely a mountain; it can be anything that we set our minds to overcome.
This is what some of the students had to say about the programme:
“I found the talk very inspiring. It was a dangerous trip and yet they managed to fulfill their dreams. I am inspired to be as courageous as them and overcome my own personal fears and fulfill my dreams. This talk also helped me realize that there are such outstanding women around.” ~Elizabeth Tan Jia Yi 1.2
“The programme was very enriching and uplifting. It reminds us women that even though there are stereotypes about women being unable to challenge themselves, unable to reach for their maximum, we can and are able to break away from the stereotype, living life to the fullest, not being held back by the societal view of women. The programme encourages us to be an empowering woman, to live to the best of our abilities. The women who climbed Mount Everest showed us a brilliant example on how they worked hard and managed to live their dreams, managed to create a new legacy, empowering other women to do the same for themselves. More of these talks should be presented to schools as they share the testimonies of empowerment and hard work.” ~Natalie Siah Qi Yun 4A2
“Yesterday’s assembly was very inspirational and interesting, as I listened to how women managed to do something that not only seemed impossible to many women but men as well. Their experience also taught me to never give up no matter how hard the task may seem to be. It also inspired me to do things out of my comfort zone and do more in life. I also feel motivated to try my best in everything I do no matter how hard and tiring it is.” ~Chia Rena 2.2
The SWHF organises outreach programs to schools and the public to inspire, celebrate the achievements and tell the often untold stories of Singapore’s phenomenal women. If you would like this travelling exhibition to come to your school or organisation, drop us an email at info@swhf.sg.