[Commentary] SCWO Supports Flexible Working Arrangements for Staff
By Denise Balhetchet, SCWO Secretariat Head
My name is Denise and I lead the Secretariat team at SCWO. This year, my husband and I welcomed our first child, Isabella, in April. It’s been an exciting, fulfilling and at times, overwhelming journey thus far. Returning to work after maternity leave involved a number of challenges, including the usual childcare logistics. Personally, the greatest challenge was feeling like I would have to miss out on key milestones that she might go through while I was at work.
Thankfully, I was given the opportunity to stretch out the last half of my maternity leave on a flexible part time basis, allowing me to spend more time with my baby while still being able to fulfil my work duties. Working around baby’s schedule allowed me the freedom to spend more time with her, especially when she needed me during this important part of her development. This sometimes meant taking work calls with the baby and juggling meetings around naptimes, but I truly appreciated this extra time. Grateful to be given the opportunity and support from my bosses and colleagues to better manage my time, allowing for greater work life harmony!