  • Singapore

    White Paper on Singapore Women’s Development 2022 – SCWO’s Board President, Ms Junie Foo welcomes the recommendations

    Singapore, 28 Mar 2022 – The Government has released the White Paper on Singapore Women’s Development following the Conversations on Singapore Women’s Development sessions which completed last year. The Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO) applauds the issuance of the White Paper for Singapore women’s development, a culmination of months of gleaning ground sentiment from both men and women on issues faced by Singapore women. SCWO had also submitted a report to the Ministry of Social and Family Development in September 2021. Status of Singapore women today Since the enactment of the Women’s Charter in 1961, the development of Singapore women has advanced considerably in terms of protection, access to…

  • Singapore

    [Commentary] SCWO Supports Flexible Working Arrangements for Staff

    denise and bella

    By Denise Balhetchet, SCWO Secretariat Head My name is Denise and I lead the Secretariat team at SCWO. This year, my husband and I welcomed our first child, Isabella, in April. It’s been an exciting, fulfilling and at times, overwhelming journey thus far. Returning to work after maternity leave involved a number of challenges, including the usual childcare logistics. Personally, the greatest challenge was feeling like I would have to miss out on key milestones that she might go through while I was at work. Thankfully, I was given the opportunity to stretch out the last half of my maternity leave on a flexible part time basis, allowing me to…

  • President's Message,  SCWO Events,  SCWO Members,  Singapore

    SCWO Holds 41st AGM

      SCWO held its second ever virtual Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 26 June 2021. In attendance were 38 representatives from 24 of our member organisations. The meeting was kickstarted by our Honorary Secretary, Joanna Portilla, who welcomed everyone to the meeting and ensured that there was quorum. Once quorum was ascertained, the time was handed over to our SCWO President, Junie Foo, who then delivered the President’s Address, which highlighted all of SCWO’s activities for the past year. As there were no objections to the annual reports or the past AGM minutes, the meeting was adjourned smoothly and successfully soon after. Read the full President’s Report here.