  • SCWO Events,  Singapore Women's Hall of Fame

    The Lives of Women: What Life was like for Women in Pre-Independence Singapore
    An exhibition by The Singapore Women’s Hall of Fame (SWHF)

    What was life like for women in pre-independence Singapore?  What roles did women play in a society where, until well into the 20th century, there were far more males than females? These are some of the questions Singapore Women’s Hall of Fame (SWHF) set out to explore in this exhibition, which is the second collaboration with the National Museum of Singapore. The Lives of Women exhibition, open to public at the National Museums’ Concourse area until 22 July 2018, is the first of a three-part series that involves education and activities suitable for both children and adults. From the origami folding of Samsui Woman Hat and the penning of thoughts…

  • International Women's Day,  SCWO Events,  Singapore Women's Hall of Fame

    5th Singapore Women’s Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony & International Women’s Day Dinner

    SCWO celebrated International Women’s Day this year with the 5th Singapore Women’s Hall of Fame (SWHF) Induction Ceremony on 24th March at the Shangri-La Hotel, where 12 outstanding women from various categories were being inducted. This year, we had the honour of having President Halimah Yacob, SCWO’s Patron and also Singapore’s first female president and SWHF inductee, as the Guest-of-Honour, which made it a special evening. The 12 women honoured this year include, Tan Teck Neo, Grace Yin Pek-ha and Mozelle Nissimwho were inducted for their philanthropy and pioneering community work efforts during the early 20th century; Anastasia Tjendri-Liew, Claire Chiang and Daisy Devan for their outstanding business successes; Phyllis Tan for being the first woman president of the Law Society; Geraldene…

  • SCWO Members,  Singapore Women's Hall of Fame

    CHIJ Women History Makers

    ‘Women are not as impactful as men!’, ‘Women can’t do everything men can do!’ These are perspectives that many of us might have had when growing up. This is where the Singapore Women’s Hall of Fame comes in. Through exhibitions and talks, we aim to change the mind-sets of many, especially the younger generation, by sharing inspiring stories of pioneering and outstanding women in Singapore. In the month of August, the SWHF outreach team had the privilege of sharing about some of the inductees with CHIJ St Nicholas Girls School. In line with the school’s module on gender and studies, the outreach programme focused on the impeccable journeys of fifteen…