UWS IWD 2022 Promotions
UWS is excited to share a series of IWD special collaborations with partners to offer great deals while supporting us and celebrating the month of March. Lookout for more great deals coming your way!
#My1stMammo Campaign
Singapore Women’s Association is proud to be a community partner on this #my1st Mammo” campaign organised by 365 Cancer Prevention Society. 365 Cancer Prevention Society is a non-profitable organisation that serves to create positive awareness in battling against cancer-related illness through educating the general public. They seek to assist cancer patients to adopt a positive lifestyle in a holistic approach to meet their needs which encompasses the mental, emotional and physical needs, to encourage existing cancer patients to organise specific cancer support groups amongst themselves and to provide financial assistance to needy cancer patients. We are organising a mammogram screening programme to create awareness and encourage females to proactively go for…
SCWO Proposes to Name Public Spaces After Singapore Women to Honour Their Contributions in its Report Following the Conversations on Singapore Women’s Development
The Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO) has released their Report following their Conversations on Singapore Women’s Development sessions. Here’s a snapshot summary of the report: SCWO believes that with collaboration between the government and the people, Singapore can work towards making the ideals of ‘Equal Space, Equal Voice, and Equal Worth’ for Singapore women a reality. Read the full report here