• SCWO Events,  Women's Register

    Women’s Register & Silver Ribbon Presents: R U Ok? Transiting from Schools to Workplaces during a Pandemic

    On 22nd July, SCWO’s Women’s Register (WR) held a mental wellness talk, R U OK? Transiting from Schools to Workplaces during a Pandemic. The talk, co-organized by WR and Silver Ribbon (Singapore) (SRS), had 23 participants who were able to gain an insight into the mental wellness scene in Singapore as well as understand how stress impacts their lives and how to manage their stress. The talk was conducted by speaker Phay Yan Deng, a Senior Clinical Executive from SRS. Yan Deng started the talk by sharing some common statistics on mental illnesses in Singapore. The session was informative and engaging with audience members actively participating via the zoom chat.…

  • SCWO Events

    Keeping Seniors Well-Informed in the Digital Era

    The SCWO Ageing Taskforce presents the ‘Keeping Seniors Well-Informed in the Digital Era’ Campaign. Launched at the end of June, Keeping Seniors Well-Informed in the Digital Era will be a 6-weeks long campaign that aims to encourage the seniors in our community to stay digitally informed, and to keep themselves active and safe. SCWO has partnered with students from Republic Polytechnic Diploma in Mass Communications (RPDMC) and Singapore Management University (SMU) to produce the content for this campaign on important topics affecting our seniors such as fake news & scams, and physical & mental wellness. Every Tuesday and Friday, one infographic and one video will be posted on the SCWO’s…

  • President's Message,  SCWO Events,  SCWO Members,  Singapore

    SCWO Holds 41st AGM

      SCWO held its second ever virtual Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 26 June 2021. In attendance were 38 representatives from 24 of our member organisations. The meeting was kickstarted by our Honorary Secretary, Joanna Portilla, who welcomed everyone to the meeting and ensured that there was quorum. Once quorum was ascertained, the time was handed over to our SCWO President, Junie Foo, who then delivered the President’s Address, which highlighted all of SCWO’s activities for the past year. As there were no objections to the annual reports or the past AGM minutes, the meeting was adjourned smoothly and successfully soon after. Read the full President’s Report here.