• SCWO Events

    Leadership at Every Level – What it Means and How it Can Impact your Career

      Networking, self-awareness, showing the willingness to learn, and taking on challenges- these are some leadership skills and qualities expected from all employees. However, when we think of leadership, we often think of managerial or C-level executives only. With limited work experience and very little decision-making power, new fresh graduates and lower-level executives are often left wondering how they can rise up the ranks to become the experts of their industries. Young women are often further disadvantaged as traditional gender norms and stereotypes still link masculine traits to leadership, discouraging them from speaking up and claiming their space in a company. On 21st September, more than 60 participants joined the…

  • SCWO Events,  SCWO Members

    SCWO Holds Second Session of their Members Tea Talk Series

    This year SCWO started organizing Tea Talk sessions – a casual networking event for our members to connect and collaborate with us and amongst themselves. These sessions serve as a way for all our members to get to know each other and the work they do. It also encourages the various women’s organisations to work with each other. After a successful inaugural event in April 2021, we held our second session on Friday, 27th August. Representatives from industry-specific business and professional members organisations were invited to join us at SCWO. The participating organisations were: Association of Women Doctors (Singapore) Inner Wheel Club of Singapore (Central) Shell Singapore- Network of Women…

  • SCWO Events,  SCWO Members

    [Commentary] How Covid-19 has Influenced my Decision to Have Children

    Commentary by Pek Lay Peng, SCWO Board Member I always knew I wanted to have children but I never expected to have four. Back in my 20s, the idea of building my own family always appealed. I had an inkling of what it might possibly be like but work and social pressures meant that I could not really devote any significant amount of time contemplating the gravity and weight of responsibility that came with it. So, as with everything else that did not seem urgent then, I packed it away neatly in my box of ill-developed plans and left it to collect dust in the deep recesses of my mind.…