  • President's Message

    Message from our SCWO President

    It would have been impossible to imagine this strange world we are living in now, just a few months ago when we met for the Presidents’ Forum. There was so much warmth and cheer at that lunch – I am grateful for that. The social distancing measures and other crucial circuit breaker measures announced by the Prime Minister will lead to massive changes in the ways we communicate and interact with our members. With this physical and spatial distancing, it is all the more important now that we nurture our social ties, providing support to one another as women all facing very similar challenges. I am sure you have all…

  • President's Message

    Message from the SCWO President

    With 2019 coming to an end, it is a great time to take stock of the year that has so quickly passed us by. 2019 was a wonderfully fulfilling year for SCWO with much achieved and many opportunities to connect and work with our members and partners. In March this year at our annual International Women’s Day Gala Dinner and 6th SWHF Induction Ceremony, we launched the Seeds of Change fund, a new fund to support our women’s organisations pilot or scale up women’s development programmes. The funding themes for the first cycle was projects that impact women’s employment, to encourage training and career development as well as those that…

  • President's Message

    A Happy New Year to All!

    2016 seems to have gone by in a flash! The new board was elected in June 2016 and we have been working hard at engaging our member organizations, advocacy and looking into new initiatives. As we enter a new year, it is timely to reflect on the accomplishments and events of the previous year and also share the plans for 2017. In terms of membership, we are now 59 members strong with the latest, Daughters of Tomorrow and Woolf Works joining us last year. In September, SCWO, together with the Garden of Hope Foundation, Taiwan organised The Asian Network of Women’s Shelters (ANWS) Conference – a 2-day conference which brought…