  • New2U Thrift Shop,  Others,  Special Thanks

    Re-Embrace Your Pre-Loved Jewellery for a Good Cause

    A lot of us have accessories and jewellery that we have used a couple of times and are now just lying around in our closet. Embrace Jewellery, a home-grown, multi-brand jewellery store, is encouraging people to donate their pre-loved accessories and jewellery to our New2U Thrift Shop, instead of throwing them out. On top of that, one can receive a of $5 gift voucher, that is redeemable for the purchase of accessories and jewellery at any of their stores island wide. What a great way to encourage the spirit of giving. Shareen Wong, Founder of Embrace Jewellery, shared, “We’ve all heard of donation drives for pre-loved clothes or toys but…

  • Others,  SCWO Events,  SCWO Members,  Uncategorized

    Our Annual Lo Hei Lunch and President’s Forum (2017)

    The Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations held its Annual Lo Hei Lunch and Presidents’ Forum on Women and Ageing on the 11th of February 2017. This event brought together more than 50 participants, including the guest speakers, Deputy Secretary of Development, Ms Teoh Zsin Woon from the Ministry of Health, and Director of the International Longevity Centre (ILC), Ms Susana Concorde Harding, who shared their views and insights on the issue of ageing with a diverse group of SCWO members. Ms Teoh gave an overview of government’s efforts on ageing and shared details about the recently launched ageing blueprint by the Ministerial Committee on Ageing, Action Plan for Successful Ageing.…

  • Others,  President's Message

    Happy 51st Singapore!

    I remember clearly, in Primary One, watching the National Day Parade march-past held in front of the Padang. The Ministers’ chairs were placed on what are now the steps of the National Gallery, their shirts a stark pristine white on our boxy black and white television. At home, I sat with my Mum, Dad and 5-year-old brother, brimming with excitement. As the years passed, I continued to watch National Day on TV with the same enthusiasm as I did when I was a child. Every year, the entire family gathers together, now with our flat-screen coloured TV; except twice, when my daughter performed on stage, and we instead made our…