  • Membership,  SCWO Members

    Member Spotlight: Aidha- helping foreign domestic workers and low-income Singaporean women achieve economic independence

    Aidha is an award-winning charity and Institution of Public Character that has been operating in Singapore since 2006. Initially started as a project of the National Committee of UN Women Singapore (then UNIFEM Singapore), Aidha’s mission is to help foreign domestic workers (FDWs) and low-income Singaporean women achieve economic independence through financial education, wealth creation and entrepreneurship. Through Aidha’s programmes, these women gain the confidence, knowledge and skills they need to start taking control of their own financial futures. Aidha has impacted over 4,500 women since its inception and currently has between 400-500 students enrolled at any given time as new classes for FDWs start every month. We offer three…

  • Membership,  SCWO Members

    Member Spotlight: P&G APAC #WeSeeEqual

       At P&G, Gender Equality is ingrained in our DNA – for over 180 years since the Company started, gender equality has always been an integral part of our core values and beliefs and an imperative to sustain our success.  As a company of leadership brands that touch lives of billions of women and girls, understanding and empowering women is fundamental to P&G.  Many of our products are made uniquely for women and girls – brands like Whisper, Pantene and Olay and, women buy or influence the purchase of virtually all the rest. We represent our consumers by making P&G the Best Company for Women and as a company that…

  • Membership,  SCWO Events,  SCWO Members

    President’s Forum 2018

    The Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations held its Biannual President’s Forum on 20th October 2018. Twenty Six Member Organisations attended with a total of more than 40 participants. SCWO Insight Series Dr June Goh, President of SCWO updated the members on the upcoming sessions. Dr Amy Khor’s session on Sat 17 Nov 2018 will concentrate on “Women and Health”. Members can discuss issues on ageing and policies which have unintended consequences of ageism, (apart from Care Shield and healthcare issues).  The session with Ms Indranee Rajah on Wed 9 Jan 2019, will focus on The 2019 Budget. Members are encouraged to contribute their inputs possible inclusions in the Budget. SCWO’s…