  • Maintenance Support Central

    Preparing for Life and Death

    As inevitable as death is, it is a taboo topic which is not often discussed, and many people are not prepared for it. Maintenance Support Central (MSC) sought to help with this through its latest edition of MSC Presents, which addressed the difficult topics of wills, lasting powers of attorney and advanced medical directives. One of the attendees, Ms Leong, had started thinking about drafting a will. However, after reading recent cases in the news of family disputes over wills, she was concerned about getting it done properly. Mrs Maheswary Emmanuel, our very engaging speaker for the evening, certainly addressed her burning questions. At the end of the presentation, Ms…

  • Maintenance Support Central

    Heart-2-Heart with MSC: Connecting Community Hearts

      ‘More of such sessions for social service practitioners please!’ Sure, we’d love to deliver! Feedback like this sure is encouraging to us at MSC; and we were eager to see the reception to our new initiative – the MSC Heart-2-Heart. The inaugural session, held in June last year sought to bring together like-minded community partners for an evening of sharing and discussion with our volunteer lawyers. In reaching out to the community through our community partners, MSC has been visiting community partners for more than a year now to share about its services as well as learn more about the resources available across the social service landscape. Through these…

  • Maintenance Support Central

    Running the Extra Mile

    It takes a special quality in one to walk in the shoes of another, yet quite another to not only don these shoes, but also run the extra mile in them – both literally and figuratively. This is exactly what Ms Caroline Davis did. Caroline approached Maintenance Support Central (MSC) last November, sharing her intention to contribute to its cause through personal fundraising. She first came to know about MSC through attending one of its talks titled: MSC Presents – Family Law and You: Maintenance. She then learned more about SCWO, as well as the work it does in supporting vulnerable women facing marital issues. Being no stranger to marital…