  • Maintenance Support Central

    Spotlight on SCWO Legal Clinics

    Mdm. Tan has been contemplating filing for divorce from her husband for the past few years. Their relationship has grown increasingly strained with her husband leaving their marital home for weeks at a time. This has taken a severe toll on her mental and physical health. She fears that the conflict at home will have a negative influence on her two young children as well. Her role as a stay-at-home mother has made her hesitant to seek legal aid as she lacks the personal finances to hire a lawyer. However, she felt that it is important to know her rights as a wife and mother so she can know how…

  • Maintenance Support Central,  SCWO Events

    All the World’s A Woman Stage: Legal Awareness for Women across Life’s Stages – Part 1

    Many women, in their twenties to their sixties, neglect to equip themselves with the knowledge of their legal rights. Some do not have the resources to gather this information let alone comprehend the context of their legal rights. It was this thought that brought about our two-part series talk, titled ‘Legal Awareness for Women across Life’s Stages’. On 25th July 2018, Ms Malathi Das, Past President of SCWO, and a lawyer by profession, shared with the participants what they needed to know prior to marriage, during marriage and when entering motherhood. Ms Das was able to bring these hard topics to a more relatable level, engaging the attendees in the process. Part 1 of the series covered the things…

  • Maintenance Support Central,  SCWO Members

    MSC Presents: Her Justice Workshop

    A shared concern on the limited legal knowledge available to migrant spouses regarding their marital rights has brought together the Singapore Committee for UN Women and Maintenance Support Central in their first collaborative effort. Titled “MSC Presents: Her Justice Workshop”, it aimed to educate participants on the various processes and steps involved when filing for divorce, especially if one party is not a Singapore citizen. On 25 October 2017, professional lawyer, Ms. Aishah Winter, had expertly broken down the legal terms surrounding divorce issues faced by migrant spouses. This made the terms and documents easier for the public to understand and process. Some of the factors covered include, but were…