• Maintenance Support Central

    Heart-2-Heart with MSC: Connecting Community Hearts

      ‘More of such sessions for social service practitioners please!’ Sure, we’d love to deliver! Feedback like this sure is encouraging to us at MSC; and we were eager to see the reception to our new initiative – the MSC Heart-2-Heart. The inaugural session, held in June last year sought to bring together like-minded community partners for an evening of sharing and discussion with our volunteer lawyers. In reaching out to the community through our community partners, MSC has been visiting community partners for more than a year now to share about its services as well as learn more about the resources available across the social service landscape. Through these…

  • Singapore Women's Hall of Fame

    A Blast from the Past at Books and Music Week

    Classes suspended for 3 days. An Ancient Roman #OOTD (Outfit of Those Days) Fashion Parade showcasing costumes designed by students. A class performing an adaption of Les Miserables’ ‘Do You Hear The People Sing’. The air was abuzz with excitement amidst songs and dance. The conception of former Principal of CHIJ Katong Convent (KC), Mrs Marie Bong, Books and Music Week (BMW) is a highly anticipated yearly event for Katong girls to shine and showcase their remarkable talents! It is a beloved tradition spoken of fondly by all who have lived and breathed this magical experience. BMW is a time where the KC family gathers together to be awed by…

  • Others,  President's Message

    Happy 51st Singapore!

    I remember clearly, in Primary One, watching the National Day Parade march-past held in front of the Padang. The Ministers’ chairs were placed on what are now the steps of the National Gallery, their shirts a stark pristine white on our boxy black and white television. At home, I sat with my Mum, Dad and 5-year-old brother, brimming with excitement. As the years passed, I continued to watch National Day on TV with the same enthusiasm as I did when I was a child. Every year, the entire family gathers together, now with our flat-screen coloured TV; except twice, when my daughter performed on stage, and we instead made our…