  • Others,  SCWO Events,  SCWO Members,  Uncategorized

    Our Annual Lo Hei Lunch and President’s Forum (2017)

    The Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations held its Annual Lo Hei Lunch and Presidents’ Forum on Women and Ageing on the 11th of February 2017. This event brought together more than 50 participants, including the guest speakers, Deputy Secretary of Development, Ms Teoh Zsin Woon from the Ministry of Health, and Director of the International Longevity Centre (ILC), Ms Susana Concorde Harding, who shared their views and insights on the issue of ageing with a diverse group of SCWO members. Ms Teoh gave an overview of government’s efforts on ageing and shared details about the recently launched ageing blueprint by the Ministerial Committee on Ageing, Action Plan for Successful Ageing.…

  • Women's Register

    Shattering the Myths of LinkedIn

    To kick start the year, the Women’s Register (WR) collaborated with LinkedIn to help members make the most out of their LinkedIn profiles. There are a lot of things that people often misunderstand about LinkedIn, and the night was meant to shatter all the myths, learn the many tips and tricks, as well as how to practice the best LinkedIn etiquette. Some ladies came without having a LinkedIn profile, hoping that the session could bring them some enlightenment. Some came immensely prepared, curious to learn every trick there is in the book on how to brand themselves vis-à-vis their peers on this increasingly omnipresent platform. The talk was led by…

  • Special Thanks,  Star Shelter,  Volunteering

    Celebrating the Festivities with Star Shelter

    The residents at our shelter have gone through challenging times and we do our best to alleviate that stress and bring joy to them, and with the support from other organisations, various events were organized to celebrate the recent festivities. For Christmas, The ZONTA Club of Singapore co-organised a Christmas Celebration cum Movie Screening event with Star Shelter on 16 December. Scrumptious dinner, games and prizes and to end it off, the animation “Arthur Christmas” was screened, which was especially loved by the children. Who would have thought that our very own residents had so much fun participating in the Q&A session! There was also a mini caroling session so…