  • SCWO Members,  Singapore

    Tomorrow’s New Old: Singapore’s Future Cohort of Ageing

    Mental health and workplace support must evolve with the needs of Singapore’s New Old Nearly 8 in 10 52-62 year olds want companies to provide flexible work arrangements for senior employees.   SINGAPORE, 2 NOVEMBER, 2022: Nearly 7 in 10 of 52-62 year old Singaporeans and permanent residents expect some form of assistance when they retire. Close to half of the respondents (49%) expect emotional or mental health support, a joint study between Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO) and consumer research company Milieu Insight revealed. The survey was conducted under the Milieu For Good initiative, which provides pro-bono research services to social enterprises and non-profit organisations. The SCWO Ageing…

  • Foreign Visitors

    International Women’s Forum South Africa visits SCWO

    Wednesday, 5 October 2022 – SCWO had the honour of hosting a visit from the International Women’s Forum South Africa (IWFSA), led by Duke Corporation Education Africa for their Women in Leadership Programme’s Immersion Trip. The ladies in this leadership retreat to Singapore are holding senior management positions in the government sector, private finance and services sectors, as well as audit and consultancy firms. The event started with an introduction of SCWO and IWFSA, followed by sharing on BoardAgenderby Chairperson Georgette Tan. This prompted a casual discussion led by Junie Foo, SCWO’s Board President and Georgette. The delegation was interested to understand how SCWO operates and how Singapore Government plays…