About Us

The Singapore Council of Women's Organisations (SCWO) was established in 1980 as the National Coordinating body of women's organisations in Singapore. SCWO has more than 60 member organisations, representing over 600,000 women, and it serves to unite them to work toward the ideals of 'Equal Space, Equal Voice and Equal Worth' for women in Singapore.

Equal Space: Women should feel safe wherever they are, free to live their lives as they choose without any danger of discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, and violence.
Equal Voice: Women should be equally represented in political, corporate, and community leadership. Policymaking will benefit from the perspectives they bring to the discussions and decisions.
Equal Worth: Women should be fully recognised and valued for their contributions to society, family, and the workplace, where there should be no gender wage gap for work of equal value.
SCWO is represented on various government and inter-ministry committees, as well as regional and international bodies, where it contributes views in the areas of family, women, and gender equality.
Organisation in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2014.
Organisation in Consultative Relationship with the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) since 2016.
Our Aims and Objectives
We believe women and men have equal roles to play in the home, at the workplace, in the community, and in leadership.
In the last 40 years, the status of women in Singapore has advanced tremendously. But there is still a gender gap.
Women continue to shoulder the bulk of caregiving work. We face discrimination, harassment, and unequal pay and opportunities at the workplace. And violence in all its forms continues to be the daily reality for far too many women.
Together with our member organisations, we aim to reduce and ultimately eliminate these inequalities.
Our vision, and our mission, is: Equal Space. Equal Voice. Equal Worth.