President's Message

Message from our SCWO President

It would have been impossible to imagine this strange world we are living in now, just a few months ago when we met for the Presidents’ Forum. There was so much warmth and cheer at that lunch – I am grateful for that.

The social distancing measures and other crucial circuit breaker measures announced by the Prime Minister will lead to massive changes in the ways we communicate and interact with our members. With this physical and spatial distancing, it is all the more important now that we nurture our social ties, providing support to one another as women all facing very similar challenges. I am sure you have all adapted to the situation, picking up new skills with online tools like zoom, webinars and applications like Whatsapp. Let’s look out for one another and also keep in close communication with family, especially the elderly, during this time of isolation.

Healthcare is the last line of defence; community action plays the biggest part in stemming the increasing number of cases. It is so important that as women and pivotal members of society and family, we actively play a part in this fight against COVID. We can do this by ensuring compliance, keeping up to date with facts and best practices to keep the home safe.

At SCWO, we’ve had to make some changes to adapt to the evolving situation – we’ve postponed our much anticipated Gala Dinner from June 2020 to March 2021, when we can be more certain of the safety and well-being of our guests. We’ve temporarily suspended services such as our legal clinics and the New2U Thrift Shop to protect our staff, volunteers and clients. More information will be provided on how SCWO is adapting and improving to provide support for our services and women’s groups and members when we are more settled with these new measures in this nation wide crisis.

Stay safe and stay healthy!

Dr June Goh

President – SCWO

SWHF Heritage Walk


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