All the World’s A Woman Stage: Legal Awareness for Women across Life’s Stages – Part 1
Many women, in their twenties to their sixties, neglect to equip themselves with the knowledge of their legal rights. Some do not have the resources to gather this information let alone comprehend the context of their legal rights. It was this thought that brought about our two-part series talk, titled ‘Legal Awareness for Women across Life’s Stages’.
On 25th July 2018, Ms Malathi Das, Past President of SCWO, and a lawyer by profession, shared with the participants what they needed to know prior to marriage, during marriage and when entering motherhood. Ms Das was able to bring these hard topics to a more relatable level, engaging the attendees in the process. Part 1 of the series covered the things we need to know before getting married such as pre-nuptial agreements, the benefits and its enforceability. It also covered the legal rights of a spouse such as tax benefits, property rights, estate planning, separation and divorce matters. We It also touched on the necessary information for an expecting parent, like knowing one’s baby benefits (e.g. baby bonus), health care coverage and fertility treatments. The participants indicated that they gained new information that could be used at work or on a personal basis.
Learn more about your legal rights or understand more about it so you can share that knowledge with friends and family. Save the date! Part 2 of this series will be happening on 26 September 2018.
Learn your rights as a family member, legal protection in the workplace and also your rights regarding ageing and succession.
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